Who You Really Are

Have you ever wondered if there is ​something more? More than your thoughts, ​more than your personality, the way others ​see you or how you label yourself?

Who are you really? ... and What is your ​authentic purpose?

Essential Self

Thoughts, emotions, sensations, the identification to what we do or achieve... these are aspects of our personality, continuously changing according to the circumstances of the outer world.

In contrast, the Essence is the highest aspect of ourself that remains consistently present throughout all changes in our life. It is the most authentic, resourceful and gracious You in its total purity.

Knowing your essential nature is a direct path to a joy, happiness and inner peace which we all long for.

Recognizing your Essence facilitates an immense stream of aliveness, flowing creativity and knowing your place in the world - your purpose. Such a state is also known as satori or a glimpse of enlightenment.

About The Process

The Enlightenment Intensive is a unique group retreat enabling a spiritual enlightenment experience (satori) within a relatively short time.

It is a ‘stand-alone’ process outside any organisation or religion, yet it uses a combination of the most efficient tools from traditions such as zen, mindfulness and modern communication techniques.

This fascinating process cracks open the thinking and emotional patterns that mask your True Self and allows your essential nature to be revealed and blossom.


The weight has been lifted.

I felt the effects 3rd day and 4​th! So light, as if they took 10 k​ilos off my chest.


Flowing freedom.

I was flabbergasted, surprised ​and shocked at the effect… this ​allowed more ‘flowing freedom’ ​to go deeper into my inner self.


A feeling I've been searching for.

Still feeling more connected to ​myself. It has integrated in my ​life in so many subtle way’s. A ​feeling that I have been looking ​for as long as I can remember.

How Does It Work

During the intensive process, you will be placed in a completely safe environment with no distractions and in social silence. The core of the work will be self enquiry sessions called Dyads: a profound zen contemplation of the question ‘Who am I?’.

The program also includes numerous holistic techniques, such as guided meditations, conscious movement, working/walking contemplation and holistic detox.

After three days of the intensive process, you will have an opportunity to integrate and enjoy the afterglow of your experience through relaxation, movement sessions and spa treatments while connecting to the stunning nature around.

Process Elements

Ancient Zen Practice & Modern Self Enquiry

a combination of a highly efficient zen monks formula with modern psychology, enquiring repeatedly with the question "Who am I?"

Guided Meditations & Conscious Movement

the process-enabling components to deepen the experience and allowing to embody the profound self enquiry effect

Mental, Physical & Emotional Detox

a holistic cleansing that purifies the body and declutters the mind from a relentless stream of thinking


Mandali Retreat Center, Italy


Mandali is situated above the clouds, nearly ​one kilometre above sea level, over looking ​the crystal clear Lake Orta in the majestic ​Pre Alps of Northern Italy. It's been called ​the most beautiful centre in Europe and has ​been created to support the awakening ​process of Humanity, yet in style.

Surrounded by mountains and nature, it ​offers breathtaking panoramic views, where ​you can truly unwind, breathe the clear ​mountain air, enjoy the luxurious spa and ​delicious vegan and vegetarian meals.

Ashuma Retreat ​Montenegro

Ashuma is a luxurious glamping retreat ​covers 10 hectares of forest right in the ​extraordinary setting of Lovcen National ​Park, Montenegro. Immersed in such a ​unique scenario you can get to experience ​true contact with nature and its elements..

The centre consists of 11 eco-friendly luxury ​tents, a fully equipped activity hall, a ​spacious lounge area and a dining hall where ​delicious organic vegetarian and vegan ​meals are served.

Get In Touch

Do you have a question about the Enlightenment Intensive? Don't hesitate to reach out, we are here for you!

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Loving kindness towards Self.

It gives you a certain distance, from those behavioral patterns we always seem to identify with. So when my thoughts and emotions take the overhand and I feel like I’m unable to act differently than I always do, having had that 'glimpse' allows me to judge myself a little less, to be a little less tough.


Rediscovering the joy.

There were so many, many moments of full presence throughout the retreat. Reconnecting, rediscovering the joy of life and sense of natural lightness .


Feeling excited about my life.

It’s all about trusting in the process and a few days afterwards I feel light, alive and excited about my life.